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Dressing up for Faire

So you have decided to come join us for one of the TWO TRF Deaf Weekends and would like to dress, Huzzah, but where do you start?

First, when you go searching the internet you will see the word GARB. Most Rennies (people who regularly attend faire) will call it garb, not costumes. You can start with some searches for Renaissance Garb.

Second, you will need to decide which type of garb will fit your personality and style. You have from the 14th Century to the 16th Century to choose from - or you can be a rebel and be a Pirate! Honestly, you can be anything from a fairy, or mythical creature, a Roman solider, English Knight, Gyspy, Lord or Lady, Wench or peasant. Whatever appeals to you! You can check out the themed weekends at TRF to see if you want to dress to match the weekend. Our Deaf Weekends will be 1001 Dreams (Fairies) and Heroes and Villains.

Third, I always suggest, if you are starting out, keep it simple. You can easily get overwhelmed if you decided you want a full court dress and have 3 weeks to get it all done! Yikes! Start with some basic pieces and build from there - that's part of the fun!

Fourth, check out your local thrift stores. With a little creativity you can make some amazing garb from thrift store finds. If you can the Spotted Pony in Spring always has some very cool pieces!

Ladies Basic Pieces: Chemise (a long pajama like dress to be worn under a corset, bodice and skirt) Skirt, Bodice or corset, scarfs, hat

Men Basic Pieces: Shirt (cotton or linen) typically a swords man shirt works, Breeches (pants) vest or jerkin, hat

Best places to find these items. (please know these are just my suggestions - if anyone has other suggestions please post in the comments below).

My garb below Hat from Party City we glued and decorated. Black Chemise from Dress like a pirate. Black Overbust Corset from Dress like a Pirate. Belt and Pouch are from Ravenswood at TRF. Skirt is from Amazon (25 yard skirt) Leggings are from Target. Boots are Sons of Sandbar at TRF

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