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Clan Eyeth

Howdy from Clan Eyeth, the Campground Deaf Clan at the Texas Renaissance Festival in Todd Mission, Texas. Clan leaders are Amanda Janovsky (AJ) , and Daniel Andrews. I am very pleased to welcome y'all to our Clan Eyeth blog. What is Clan Eyeth? The word "clan" means "family" or "tribe" so our group is like a family gathering around at the campground. Eyeth is the mythical home of the people of the eye, where life and all of the life's conveniences are based on sight rather than sound. In this world, Deaf people form the majority and people who hear are the minority. (From Clan Eyeth is the perfect name for the group of people who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, signing friends, family, and interpreters of various level signing skills. The purpose of the Clan Eyeth is the fellowship, storytelling, exchange of experience, Renaissance fashions, proper or creation of special signs for certain Renaissance things that we don't often see in the modern world. We welcome the "old-fashioned" tents and RVs with modern amenities. Join the Facebook group "Clan Eyeth" to learn more about joining this family!

-- Clan Eyeth

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